Elevio Mock-up

Inline help text:

1.   If Donor does not appear in dropdown menu, you must create a new donor record first.  Tip:  Create a "Friends of (Your Organization)" Donor Record for use on items without a donor per se.

2.  Item Name is prominently displayed in catalog and all printed materials and is searchable.  Tip:  Donor Name and FMV often display along with Item Name, so including either in the Name can be redundant.

3.  Number available to sell.  Can set quantity to 0/1 by Bulk Edit.  Silent items in Online/Mobile Auction must have quantity = 1.

4.  Catalog can be searched/Filtered by Category.  Can Bulk Edit.  Add or Edit Categories here.

5.  Optional.  Can Bulk Edit.  For reporting purposes only; no programming effect.  Dropdown menu options are not editable.

6.  Optional.  Can Bulk Edit.  Designed to track where items are physically stored, but can be repurposed to capture/report any text desired.

7.  Optional.  Can Bulk Edit.  Solicitor fields are available for both donor and item records, but are mutually exclusive: specifying a solicitor for an item does not update the donor record and vice versa.

8.  Optional.  Can Bulk Edit.   For reporting purposes only; no programming effect.  Dropdown menu options are not editable.

9.  Allows absolute control over display order:  overrides default order settings and must be specified as individual item edits.  Use to highlight items that should appear on the first screen (it is not necessary, nor advisable, to specify a display order for all items).

10. For Sale at:

11.  Price to display in web catalog and bid/description sheets.   The default choice is specified at Admin > Site Settings > Catalog Settings > General.  This control is used to override the Default value on individual items.   Can bulk edit.  

   Fair Market Value:   (Contextual) This value is used to reflect the value of the Donor's contribution, the buyer's potential tax deduction, and to calculate the default minimum bid and raise amounts for Silent items.  

  • If the item has quantity > 1, enter the FMV for quantity of 1 (donor/donation value is calculated as (FMV X Quantity).
  • If the FMV = $0, you must specify the desired minimum bid and raise amount for Silent items.
  • Tip:  If the FMV is unknown when item is created, enter your best estimate.  The donor receipt Fine Print contains a default message:  "If you did not provide a Fair Market Value for your donation, we recorded an estimated FMV. Please let us know if our estimate was off so we can update our records and provide you with an accurate receipt."
  • Tip:  A common approach to the tricky question of what to list as Fair Market Value (FMV) on items where someone is hosting a party, outing, activity and/or classroom projects is to base the FMV on the cost of food/materials/venue costs etc.  This will provide documentation so the item donors can claim a charitable contribution for their out of pocket expenses and buyers can claim the difference between what they paid and the FMV.

12.  Minimum Bid Amount:  Optional (default value is used if field is left blank).  Can Bulk Edit.  The default value is calculated based on the FMV and displays in [$brackets].    Overwrite the default by specifying your value in the field or bulk edit one or more items to specify a dollar amount or a % of FMV.

13.  Minimum Raise Amount:  Optional (default value is used if field is left blank).  Can Bulk Edit.  The default value is calculated based on the FMV and displays in [$brackets].  To accept the default, leave the field blank.   Overwrite the default by specifying your value in the field or  bulk edit one or more items to specify a dollar amount or a % of FMV.

14.  Buy Now Price:  Optional.  Can Bulk Edit.    Buy Now prices allows bidder to skip the bidding process by buying the item at a premium price (generally 150-200% of FMV).