How to Delete Users

Users can be deleted individually or in multiples, as long as the User has not donated an item or have an order.

Select User(s) to Delete from the User Page:

Select User(s) to Delete from the User Page:

Go to Admin > Manage Users:

1. Select User records to be Deleted

2. Choose Delete Users from Bulk Actions dropdown.

Deleting User(s) Confirmation Query:

Deleting User(s) Confirmation Query:

Confirmation Query:

1.  Users available for deletion listed.

2.  Users cannot be deleted if they have donated an item (unless items are first deleted)

3.  Users cannot be deleted if they have orders.

4.  Users cannot be deleted if they have an Admin role.  Remove role to delete.

5.  Confirm deletion of qualified users OR

6.  Click on Close to cancel deletion.