New Auction HelpEnter ItemsEnter Cash and In Kind DonationsRecording Sponsorships that Include Comp Tickets

Recording Sponsorships that Include Comp Tickets

There are 3 steps for entering sponsorships:  1) Creating sponsorship levels, 2) Creating a Donor Record, then 3) "Selling" the sponsorship to the donor.

If you provide complimentary tickets to your sponsors, it is easiest to create a ticket type for each sponsor level, then sell or issue the ticket to each sponsor at that level.  

This allows you to:

  • issue the tickets,
  • designate the portion of the sponsorship that is considered a charitable contribution,
  • record (or process) the payment
  • generate a sales receipt for the payment.

Use these instructions if you do not provide complimentary tickets to sponsors.

1.  Create ticket types for each sponsorship level:

1.  Create ticket types for each sponsorship level:

Go to Admin > Site Settings > Ticket Sales > Ticket Types > Add New:

1.  Name of Sponsor Level

2.  Cost of Sponsorship.

3.  Total FMV of any consideration provided (tickets, ad space, other perqs).

4.  Number of complimentary tickets being provided at this level.

5.  Quantity of sponsorships available at this level.

6.  Check to Sell Online, if desired.  Note:  if sponsors will buy their tickets online, skip to step 3b after creating your sponsor levels.

7.  Provide sponsorship details in the Description field (which can be displayed on the ticket page) or in the Notes Page (which is only visible in Site Settings).

8.  Save your changes, then create additional ticket types for each sponsor level.

2.  If you are entering sponsor ticket sales internally, first create a Donor record for the sponsor:

2.  If you are entering sponsor ticket sales internally, first create a Donor record for the sponsor:

Go to Donors > Add/Edit a Donor:

1.  Use the Relationship to Organization of Misc. field to indicate Sponsor level.

2.  Note:  in order for sponsor names to appear on receipts, this box must be checked and the display donors box must be checked during the receipt set-up.

3a.  Record the sponsorship as an Internal ticket sale:

3a.  Record the sponsorship as an Internal ticket sale:

Go to: Tickets > Sell a Ticket:

1.  Select Sponsor level

2.  Enter the Sponsor's name (as listed  in the Donor record), then select the matching record for the ticket order.  Note:  If Sponsor's are buying their tickets online, the software will NOT

3.  Continue with the internal ticket sale, as usual, recording and/or processing the payment then generating a receipt for the payment.

3b.   Edit Sponsors' online ticket-buyer account to add Donor role:

3b.   Edit Sponsors' online ticket-buyer account to add Donor role:

Go to Admin > Manage Users > click on Edit icon for Sponsor's ticket buyer record:

1.  Use the Relationship to Organization of Misc. field to indicate Sponsor level.

2.  Check box to indicate User is also a Donor.

3.  Note:  in order for sponsor names to appear on receipts, this box must be checked and the display donors box must be checked during the receipt set-up.

4.  Save.