Items FAQS

FAQ:  How do I delete items?

A:  Go to Catalog tab.  Select items you want to delete by checking the boxes in the left column.    Click Bulk actions button, then Delete Items.  

You will be blocked if an items was sold and/or returned.  instead of deleting, edit the item to make sure there is zero (0) quanitity and that the item is hidden from public view.  

FAQ:  What is the Tracking Number?

A:  The Tracking number is a unique identifier generated when the item is first entered into the software and will not change - making it the preferred identifier for tracking your physical items prior to your event.    It is common practice to enter donations into the software then affix a number to the physical item to denote that the item has been processed and to allow items to be moved to your event venue and displayed in an organized manner.   Item numbers are often changed at the end of the procurement process (items are added to lots, moved to new tables etc) so it is problematic to track physical items by item number.

FAQ:  Why are some/all items missing from a lot?

A:  Items are not permanently moved to the lot until the Lot item is saved.   We recommend selecting the desired items for a lot, naming the Lot item, then saving the record to ensure your items are saved to the lot before proceeding with edits to the price fields and description/restriction text.

FAQ:  How do I enter an item with multiple donors?

A:  There are several options, the easiest is to create a new donor record with each donors' name listed in the Business name field (eg John Smith and Giselle Winery).   Other options will provide better tools for donor management with the most time intensive item entry (creating a lot) providing the most precise donor tracking and management.

FAQ:  How do I enter an item that doesn't have a donor?

A:  Create a faux donor record, such as "Friends of _________".

FAQ:   Can I make a donor/donation anonymous?

A:  Edit the donor's record:  check the "Make donor anonymous to public" box and save.    If the donor has multiple items and wants some to be public and some anonymous, create two donor records, one for the public items and another for the anonymous items.

FAQ:  Do I have to mark items as Status = complete and/or Print Ready = yes in order to sell them and/or include them in the catalog?

A:  No, those fields have no programming value, they are solely for your team's use to track and report your progress.

FAQ:  Can I edit the fonts and/or formatting on the printed materials?

A:  No.  The printed materials have variable formatting designed to display a wide range of text across items so the formatting cannot be edited.