Catalog FAQs

Q:  How do I make a Donor Anonymous?

A:  Check the 'Keep Donor Anonymous to the Public?' box on the Donor Detail page.    Do not create a generic 'Anonymous' donor record unless you do not intend to track donors' contributions, issue donor receipts and/or donor thank you letters.

Q:  How can I hide the FMV  on some (or all) items?

A:  You can choose what displays in the price field in the online catalog and your printed materials:

  • Fair Market Value
  • Buy Now
  • Priceless
  • None

Select the default to be applied to all new items at Admin > Site Settings > Catalog > Catalog Settings

Edit individual items on the Item Detail page:  Price to Display field

Edit Multiple items at once using the Bulk Edit feature in Catalog Grid View.


Q:  How do I add an item that has multiple donors?

A:  There are several ways to record multiple donors - the easiest method for item entry will require more effort when acknowledging donors and vice-versa (view detailed instructions)  

1. Create a faux item for each donor and then build a lot from those items.

  • Makes thank you letters easier to generate and donation values more accurate.
  • Allows any of the multiple donors to give other Items without creating a duplicate Donor record.
  • Downside:  takes extra time to create multiple donors and items and then join them into a Lot.

2. Create a joint donor and then a single Item that the donor gave.

  • Simpler because in a single step a donor can be created with all the donor names separated by commas and entered into the first name field (or the business name field if very long).
  • Downside: system generated thank you letters and lists will require manual tweaking if one wants to thank donors individually regardless of their joint gift.

3. Create a joint donor with a generic name who give a single Item.

  • Best used where a group is producing a signup/easel item/event.
  • One can acknowledge the hosts/donors in the item description.
  • Downside:  System generated thank you letters and lists will require manual tweaking if one wants to thank donors individually regardless of their joint gift.

Q:  How do I sell items at Check-In?

Q:  How do I sell items at Check-In?

A:  You can offer items with the type of Sellable, Signup and/or Raffle at check-in by editing the individual item in the Options tab (near Description/Restrictions).

How do I sell items during Ticket Sales?

How do I sell items during Ticket Sales?

A:  You can offer items with the type of Sellable, Signup and/or Raffle on the Ticket Sales forms by:

1.  Editing the individual item in the Options tab (near Description/Restrictions).

2.  Choosing where to offer the item from the dropdown menu.  Do you want it to be offered to each guest on the ticket order or to the buyer at the end?  Note:  only the option shown above will trigger the link which allows online buyers to purchase the item without also buying tickets.

3.  Checking this box will display a field to enter the quantity desired (rather than a simple check box).

A:  How do I sell items on the Donate Now page?

A:  How do I sell items on the Donate Now page?

A:  You can offer items with the type of Sellable, Signup and/or Raffle on the Donate Now page by:

1.  Editing the individual item in the Options tab (near Description/Restrictions).

2.  Checking this box will display a field to enter the quantity desired (rather than a simple check box).

Q:  Why is the item description missing from the Gift Certificate?

A:   The text field for Gift Certificates is intended to provide the information needed to redeem it, such as restrictions and contact info.  You can copy and paste the description text in if desired.

Q:  Why don't the items I add appear in my Lots?

A:   Be sure you are saving the Lot page after adding items.   Although a banner confirms that an item has been successfully added, it is not saved within the lot until the Lot Item page is also saved.

Avoid Common Mistakes

1. Use the Raffle type for 'game of chance' tickets only (which are never tax deductible).  Create a separate item for each Raffle Prize (type = silent) to record the donation and/or to award to the winner for $0, thus providing the winner with the FMV for their tax reporting.

2. Be sure to add sufficient quantity for items which are sold repeatedly, such as raffle tickets, paddle raise, drink tickets, sign up and sellable items.

3. Preview Item Descriptions and Gift Certificates early in the process to make sure you are entering data in a manner that creates the appearance you desire.

4. Be sure to select a Donor from the dropdown menu.  Otherwise, the donor field will be autofilled with first donor on menu. You can more easily identify (and thus fix) this error by creating a dummy donor record for "1 Incorrect Donor - needs edit" which will become the default donor used when no donor is specified.