New Auction HelpEnter ItemsEnter Fixed Price ItemsEntering a Signup (Easel/Party) Item

Entering a Signup (Easel/Party) Item

To enter an item for selling "admission" to individual buyers for a party or organized activity. Signup items have many names:  Pay to Play, Easel Items, Parties/Workshops, Count Me In etc. 

Also shown are printed materials and reporting unique to Signup items.

Note: This article focuses on elements unique to Signup items. For info on how each field/component on the Item detail form is used, see Entering an Item for Silent Bidding.

To enter a signup item:

To enter a signup item:

Catalog > Add Item

1.  Donor is the person(s) hosting the party.  See Entering Items with Multiple Donors if relevant.

2.  Signup items always have quantity > 1.

3.  Type = Signup

4.  Signup items are well-suited to Online Auctions:

  • They can generate interest prior to your gala event and/or
  • Allow access to community-building events by people who cannot attend the gala event and/or
  • Remaining spaces can be offered online after the gala event.

5.  Price = Cost to participate.

6.  FMV = Value of donation (as declared by donor(s) divided by number of participants.  The donor records will reflect the extended FMV (FMV x quantity).  It is common practice for Hosts to declare their out of pocket expenses as their donation (and FMV).  If the price exceeds the stated per person FMV, the excess is considered a charitable contribution by the buyer.

To designate where the item should appear and where it can be sold:

To designate where the item should appear and where it can be sold:

7. Uncheck this box if you do not want this item displayed in the web catalog.

8. Check this box to make item available for purchase at check-in (can be paid for at check-in, or placed in cart until check-out.)

9. Check this box to offer the item on the Ticket sales form.

10.  Choose from dropdown list where you want the item to appear on the registration form.

11.  Check this box to make item available for purchase on the Donate Now page.  

12.  Check this box to allow the buyer to specify the quantity desired otherwise form will display a checkbox (y/n) Would you like to purchase. . . .

13.  Save.


Signup Sheets can be printed with or without Descriptions at Admin > Print Materials > Signup Sheets

Signup Sheets can be printed with or without Descriptions at Admin > Print Materials > Signup Sheets

A Signup report is available to provide to party host(s):

A Signup report is available to provide to party host(s):

Go to:   Admin > View Reports > Post Auction Tab > Follow-up Reports (bottom of page) > Signup Report.