Entering Items for Silent Bidding

To create items that will be sold to the highest bidder in a Silent Auction.  This lesson also describes how each field/component on the Item detail form is used.


Add an item from Catalog - grid view:

Add an item from Catalog - grid view:

Or Donor detail page:

Or Donor detail page:

Complete desired fields on Item Detail form:

Complete desired fields on Item Detail form:

1.  Select the Donor name from the dropdown menu (donor records must be created first).  

2.  Enter Item Name as you would like it to appear in the Catalog and printed materials.

3.  Edit quantity available to sell as needed.

4.  Select the desired Category.  Create new or edit categories at Admin > Site Settings > Catalog > Item Categories.

5.  Indicate status.  Optional tool to allow your team to track/report item status; has no programming effect.

6.  Note where the physical item is stored.  Optional tool for tracking/reporting; has no programming effect.

7.  Note Solicitor's name.  Optional tool for tracking/reporting; has no programming effect.

8.  Indicate if Item is Print Ready.  Optional tool for tracking/reporting; has no programming effect.

9.  Optional tool for controlling the order items are displayed in public catalog.  This tool provides complete control of order, but must be added/edited on an item by item basis.   Other display options can be applied across all items.

10.  Silent Type provides price, FMV fields, and printed materials to conduct competitive bidding.

11.  Mark which Venues you want to sell the item at.  Note that Item Type dictates which Venue options display for the item.

12.  Select Price to Display in catalog and on printed materials.  Receipts will always display FMV.  Default selection can be set at Admin > Site Settings > Catalog > Catalog Settings.

13.  Enter what the item is worth on the open market.  FMV is required and is used on the donors' and buyers' receipts and to calculate default minimum bids and minimum raise amounts.

14.  Enter the desired minimum bid amount, or leave blank to use the default value shown.

15.  Enter the desired minimum raise amount, or leave blank to use the default value shown.

16.  Specify a Buy Now price, if desired.  Buy Now Prices are typically set at 150-200% of FMV (or more) to allow a buyer to skip the bidding process by paying a premium price.

17.  Add Images by browsing and uploading.   Note:  Multiple images will appear in the web/online catalog.  Description Sheets will display only the first image uploaded.

18.  Enter Item Description.  Note that formatting appears online only.  Printed materials have default formatting which allows them to accommodate a variable range of data.

19.  Enter any Restrictions that may limit using or redeeming the item.  Restrictions will appear in Web catalog, Item Descriptions and Gift Certificates.

20.  Internal notes, visible to logged in users only.

21.  Indicate if a Gift Certificate is needed for this item (see below)

22.  Select desired tax rates to be applied to the sale of this item, if any (see below).

23.  Select desired options for displaying and selling this item, if any (see below).

24.  Flag if the description is complete.  Optional tool for tracking/reporting; has no programming effect.

25.  Don't forget to Save your work.

1a. To specify and compose Gift Certificate, if needed

1a. To specify and compose Gift Certificate, if needed

Click on Gift Certificate Tab:

  1. Check "I need to generate a gift certificate for this item" box to display text form.
  2. Provide Instructions and contact info needed to redeem the gift certificate.
  3. Click here if you would like to provide (or copy and edit) the original description text on the gift certificate.
  4. Save

1b.  To designate taxes to be applied to sale of item, if necessary:

1b.  To designate taxes to be applied to sale of item, if necessary:

1c. To designate where the item should appear and where it can be sold:

1c. To designate where the item should appear and where it can be sold:

1. Uncheck this box if you do not want this item displayed in the web catalog.  

2.  Save.