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Migrating Data (For Returning Subscribers)

You can save data entry time by migrating (copying) data from one or more previous events to a new event site:

1. You must be an Account Manager to sign into   or

2. You should do this before entering any data to avoid duplication or overwriting data.

3. This is data only and will not transfer settings or change how your site appears, especially on the homepage.

4. CHECK your new site right away to make sure the data you wanted  migrated as intended.  Deleting incorrect migrations is much easier if completed before new data is entered.

5.  You have the ability to perform mass deletions of Users, Donors, and Items - so you may choose to migrate data knowing that you can easily delete the records that won't be useful.

To migrate data, start from your account manager screen

To migrate data, start from your account manager screen

Login to   or (must have Account Manager priviliges to access this page)

To choose which types of data to migrate to the new site:

 To choose which types of data to migrate to the new site:

1. Custom Fields - Fields created to capture custom information (meal choice, previous donation history, relationship to org. etc)    Note:  Migrate custom fields first to ensure that data collected on the previous site migrates to the correct fields on the new site.   If in doubt - complete this migration.   If there are no custom fields on the previous site, nothing will transfer.  You can easily delete one or more custom fields from the new site which will also delete all of the data.  Or you can make the custom field inactive (by removing the donor/guest/buyer designations) which will hide, but retain, the data.

2. All Donors - This option migrates donor records, either all donors or only donors who actually donated.    Select Business and/or Individual Donors or accept default to migrate all donor records.  Note:  when donors are migrated, a summary of the items donated is automatically migrated too.   See Below.

3. MIgrate Items and Donors - This option migrates items from the previous event into the catalog of your new event plus the donor records associated with the items (if you have already migrated donors, the donor records will not be duplicated.)   Use this option only where you have a significant number of repeat donations from event to event (note that item images do NOT migrate).  You may  select Item Types or Where Item Was Sold or accept default to migrate all items. See Below

4. Migrate User List - Select Guests Only or accept default to migrate all Users. See Below

5. Migrate Credit Card Settings - Do not assume that account info is still active unless tested with a charge.  For example, some gateways require revising passwords every 90 days.  See Below.

1.  To Migrate Custom Fields:

1.  To Migrate Custom Fields:

Note:  Migrate custom fields first to ensure that data collected on the previous site migrates to the correct fields on the new site.   If in doubt - complete this migration.   If there are no custom fields on the previous site, nothing will transfer.  You can easily delete one or more custom fields from the new site which will also delete all of the data.  Or you can make the custom field inactive (by removing the donor/guest/buyer designations) which will hide, but retain, the data.

1.  Use the dropdown menu to select the site to migrate data FROM

2.  Confirm the default site to migrate data TO

3.  Click to Migrate

4.  Once migrated, you can delete or inactivate unwanted custom fields at Admin > Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Custom Fields.

2. To Migrate Donors  (with summary donation history):

2. To Migrate Donors  (with summary donation history):

Note:  Donor migrations now include a summary column of items donated to the previous event, but you must use the Customize button on the Donor page and select the field to add the column to your display.

1.  Use the dropdown menu to select the site to migrate data FROM (must specify for each type of migration).

2.  Confirm the default site to migrate data TO:

3.  Select which donors to migrate

4.  Click to Migrate

3. To Migrate Items by type or where item was sold:

3. To Migrate Items by type or where item was sold:

Be aware that Items will be migrated to the new site as quantity = 0, marked as "Do not display in public catalog", and status = Pending.  Most users still find that migrating items results in a cluttered Catalog page that is difficult to navigate and can create confusion about which and how many donations are actually "in hand".  Therefore, Migrating Items should only be done where there are a high number of repeat donations and Items will not need extreme weeding and/or editing.  

Note:  Item images are stored in the cloud and the image location is associated with the event URL so images cannot be migrated.

More information on managing migrated items in your catalog.

4. To migrate users or past guests:

4. To migrate users or past guests:

Note: The migration of Users is only beneficial if you are going to enter tickets yourself because you can select an existing user and avoid retyping all their information.The migration of Users is not beneficial when you are going to sell tickets online as new user records are created with each transaction  which will result in duplicate records.


5. To migrate credit card settings:

5. To migrate credit card settings:

Note:  Do not assume that the account info is still active unless tested with a charge.  For example, some gateways require revising passwords every 90 days.