New Auction HelpGala AuctionTraining for Auction NightAuction Night Tutorial (for events using preassigned bidder numbers)

Auction Night Tutorial (for events using preassigned bidder numbers)

 Thank you for volunteering to help with one of the most visible and important assignments for our event!  This tutorial provides video instructions for check-in, placing items in carts and check-out.  You'll also have an opportunity to practice each task on a "playpen" site.    The tutorial generally takes about 20-30 minutes to complete and should equip you to handle your auction night tasks with confidence.  Let's get started:


1.  Log in to the Playpen Site:

1.  Log in to the Playpen Site:

Log in to the Playpen site:     Login:  train    Password:  train    

The Auction Night screen provides easy-to-use tools for all of the tasks you may need to handle during your event.  Feel free to explore each button - most are fairly intuitive and self-explanatory and the help button provides quick instructions, if needed.

This tutorial will focus on the three primary tasks you'll be handling:  Check-in, Selling Items, and Check-out.

2.  Checking in guests during your event:

Go to the Playpen site:

1.  Check yourself in, using one of ABC Sponsor's guest tickets and vault a credit card if applicable.   Be sure you understand how bidder/paddle numbers will be distributed.

2.  Sell a Single ticket to Kelly and link Kelly to your bidder number.

3.  Selling items (adding items to guests' carts):

Record these sales on the playpen site:

  • Kelly had the highest bid for the Champagne Celebration basket!   Sell Item #228 to Kelly for $85.
  • You bought 3 raffle tickets.   Add them to your cart.

4.  Checking out guests during your event:

 Check yourself out on the playpen site:

  • While reviewing your order, you realize that your paddle raise hasn't been recorded yet:  Add a $250 paddle raise.
  • Round your bill up to $400
  • Pay $250 cash and put the remainder on your credit card.
  • Be sure you know the protocol for providing receipts and how to instruct guests to pick-up their items and gift certificates.

Well done!  Completing this tutorial equips most volunteers to handle their auction night duties with aplomb.   If you like to be prepared for anything,  feel free to continue to practice on the Playpen site (the autosearch fields will display many other guests you can check in and items to be sold), or refer to our complete training materials.