Selling Items One At A Time

Using the "Sell an Item" button is the simplest way to record a sale of one item to one guest.   Selling the same item to many different buyers (such as raffle tickets) is faster using the "Sell a Bulk Item" button, however, any item can be sold using either green Sell button.

Auction Night > Sell an Item Button

Auction Night > Sell an Item Button

Auction Night > Sell an Item Button

Auction Night > Sell an Item Button

1. Enter Item number or name in Search Box and select the desired record to pull it into the box

2. Enter Guest bid number or name in Search Box and select the desired guest to pull it into the box.

3. Enter price to be paid.

4. (Optional) This box appears if setting is enabled to allow cash payments at Admin > Site Settings > Gala Auction > General Settings.  Check to indicate payment has been received for this item. (Item and cash payment will be reflected on buyer's receipt.)

5. Click Continue

6. Main Auction Night page

7. Switch to start Bulk Sale process

8.  Click on this button to view recent sales recorded if you lose track of what has been entered.

Confirmation Screen

Confirmation Screen