New Auction HelpManage ItemsReorder and Renumber ItemsRenumbering Items and Assigning them to Tables

Renumbering Items and Assigning them to Tables

Item numbers are assigned at the time of entry according to type.  It is not possible to edit the default structure.  Item numbers can only be edited after the item has been entered and saved.

Default Numbering Structure - Items are assigned the next available number based on type.   Starting Numbers:

  • 1   Live
  • 100 Silent
  • 800 Sellable
  • 900 Signup
  • 975 Raffle
  • 1000 Paddle Raise (Cash Donation)

Once items have been entered, item numbers can be edited on an individual basis but it is much faster to utilize the Organize Item Tables feature to renumber items and, if desired, assign them to new tables.  

The most common strategy for organizing silent auction items is to offer a varied assortment of items on each table so that the majority of bidders will find something appealing to compete for within each closing.     it is also common to place some fun items with low FMV on the first table - the relatively low starting bids on appealing items ensure bidding takes off quickly.  This also allows the momentum to build for higher value/appeal items on later closings  because late arrivals and early socializers may miss out on the earliest offerings.    When organizing your items using this approach, the Tables feature should be used once the bulk of your items have been entered and decisions have been made about which items to offer in the Live auction, which to combine into lots/packages etc.

A less common strategy is to organize items by category.    If you want your items organized and numbered by category, refer to Organizing items by category rather than type for specific instructions.

Notes:  Before accessing the Table Feature:  sort your catalog page by item name or current item number then Save as CSV  and print the file.   When editing numbers, it's often helpful to have a hard copy to refer to, particularly if you have hundreds of items.

Editing item numbers (individually or using the Tables feature) will change the number throughout the software, including description and bid sheets so hold off on all printing until your item numbers have been finalized.

To access the Table Feature:

To access the Table Feature:

Go to Admin > Site Settings > Catalog > Organize Item Tables

 To manage the desired table:

 To manage the desired table:

Go to Admin > Site Settings > Catalog > Organize Item Tables > Enter your password in the pop-up window to access.

1.  To reorder and renumber items:

1.  To reorder and renumber items:

1.  Refer to your printed spreadsheet to Drag and drop items into the desired order.  NOTE:  each action will cause cascading numbering changes within the list.

2.  To add another item to this table, enter the name or number and click ADD.

3.  To move an item from this table, enter the name or number, select the table to move it to, then click MOVE.

4.  Items are added to the end of a table.  If the final number in the table range is already assigned (eg 299), it will block any future additions (even if the table is not full).  Use the AutoSort to consolidate the existing items to move open spaces to the end of the table.

Once your items are in the desired order:  

If you DO NOT need to print table names and/or closing times on your Bid Sheets, you are DONE!  Many organizers opt for maximum flexibility in arranging silent items at the venue by using table signage to communicate when the items on a table close.  Another trick is to use colored tablecloths, signage, and/or decorations to distinguish between closings.  For instance:  blue tables close at 7, yellow tables at 7:15, orange at 7:30.   Then you can lay out items, in order, but making the breaks based on space constraints rather than at an arbitrary number.

If you DO want to print closing times/table names on your bid sheet, continue. . .

To divide Silent items among multiple tables:

Decide how many table closings you want and how many items to place on each table:

  • 15-20 minutes are common intervals between closings.   You want to give bidders enough time to monitor and place new bids on items they want, but not enough time to wander to the bar or get distracted in conversation. . .
  • Most silent auctions spread items over three closings with 35-100 items per closing..  it is difficult for bidders to monitor and quickly bid on more than a few items per closing, so offering more than one closing increases the number of items a bidder can aggressively compete for and interest often wanes after three closings.
  • Divide your items in roughly equal numbers across tables and note the item numbers you want to start a fresh table.

In our example, we are going to divide 40 items across two tables:  Blue:  100-120 and  Orange:  121-150 (with extra spots for late donations).

2.  Edit existing Silent table:

2.  Edit existing Silent table:

3.  Add New Table

3.  Add New Table

Return to Main Menu:

1.  Notice that the Blue table now has 20 items on it, starting at #100,

2.  and all items over #119 which had been on the Silent table now appear at the bottom of the menu and are not associated with a table.

3.  Click Add Table.

1.  Create a Table name.

2.  Specify the starting item number for the table.

3.  How many items do you want on the table?

4.  Set the closing time.

5.  Save

Note that items within the number range specified were automatically moved onto the new table:

Note that items within the number range specified were automatically moved onto the new table:

Repeat Steps 2-3 as needed to create the desired number of closings.