Setting up your Registration Forms

You can choose which features/elements to include on your registration forms and how those elements are labeled and/or displayed.

To choose and configure the elements included on your registration forms:

To choose and configure the elements included on your registration forms:

Go to Admin > Site Settings > Ticket Sales > Customize Registration Forms

1.  Specify the text you want displayed on the Homepage button.

2.  Do you want to include the Additional Donation Request/Fields on your form?

3.  If so, you can edit the "ask" here.

4.  And specify suggested donation amounts to appear on the dropdown menu here.

5.  And/or allow guests to specify their own donation amount.

6.  Edit the default text for the donation amount field, if desired.

7.  Check this box if you created descriptions for your ticket types which you want to display on the menu of tickets available.

8.  If tickets have already been sold and paid for outside of the software - and you are manually entering in your guest info, check this box so you can mark the ticket as having been paid (with the payment details recorded elsewhere).

9.  Check this box if you do not want ticket-buyers to have to set up a password for their online account during ticket purchase.  We do not recommend checking this box (removing the password fields) if you are also having an online auction - especially if guests are likely to purchase tickets before signing up for an online bidding account.  The signup process will be confusing if a password hasn't been set up.

10.  Save your changes.

11.  Edit Ticket Fields

12.  Edit Ticket Labels