Selling Items along with Tickets:

Fixed Price (Sellable, Signup, Raffle) items can be offered for sale during the ticket sales process to ticket buyers and non-ticket buyers.  

Add-on items purchased during ticket sales will display on the Check-in screen for distribution at your event (whether the purchases display for the ticket buyer or their guest(s) depends on where the item is offered on the form.)

To flag items from the catalog:

To flag items from the catalog:

Go to Catalog > Add a new item or Edit an existing item > Options

1.  Three item types can be sold during ticket sales:  Sellable, Signup and Raffle (note:  some states do not allow online raffle sales)

2.  Add sufficient quantity to allow multiple sales.

3.  Click on Options Tab.

4.  Check "Sell to guests during online registration" box.

5.  Select where items should appear on the registration form from the dropdown (location/placement/distribution at check-in choices shown in images below)

6.  Checking this box allows buyers to enter qty desired, otherwise, they will check a box to buy one item.

7.  Save.


To flag items from Ticket Sales Settings:

To flag items from Ticket Sales Settings:

Go to Admin > Site Settings > Ticket Sales > Add-on Items

Preview of Item for sale in each location:

Preview of Item for sale in each location:

Preview:  next screen

Preview:  next screen

Add-on Purchases display on Check-in Confirmation Screen:

Add-on Purchases display on Check-in Confirmation Screen: