Previewing the Payment Process for Online Auction Winners
When fielding queries from online auction winners, it's helpful to be familiar with the process they will use to pay for their purchases.
Winners follow the link provided in the winning notification to sign into their account:
Winner logs in to their account:
Actions available:
1. Edit Cart
2. Pay Now
3. Edit Personal Information
4. Change password
To Edit Cart:
1. Buyers can remove fixed price items from their carts, but not items won at auction (via competitive bidding).
2. Proceed to pay.
Confirm and apply payment:
Finalize Order screen:
1. Update contact info, if necessary.
2. Review cart.
3. Option to Round up my bill (additional amount will be detailed on receipt as a cash donation).
4. Select Payment Type (Credit Card or Custom Payment, if allowed.)
5. Enter Credit Card information- logos indicate which cards are accepted.
6. Process payment.