Promoting Your Online Auction

Online auctions take considerable energy and publicity to drive traffic to your site and should not be undertaken on a whim. Without a targeted effort, ancillary online auctions often fail to deliver the desired level of revenue (and this is doubly true for stand alone online auctions).  Here are some tips and tools for promoting your event.

1.  Talk it up well in advance of bidding.  Take every opportunity (newsletters, posters, meeting announcements etc.) to let your supporters know that an online auction is on the calendar and feature teaser items as they are added to the auction.

2.  Make it easy for people to access your site.  Provide a link directly to your Online Catalog in every electronic communication.  In printed materials - direct people to the main website for your organization (and place a link directly to your Online Catalog on the homepage).    

3.  Don't create hurdles for shoppers.  Let visitors browse the catalog before they are asked to sign up for an account to bid.   Provide links directly to the catalog.  Each item detail screen has links to bid or sign up to bid so shoppers can become buyers once they're hooked by an enticing item.  Once on the catalog page, display an embedded message encouraging them to sign up for a bidding account to access the "Favorites" tools for flagging interesting items (see above)

4.  Use carrots to coax supporters to your site:

  • Offer coveted fixed price items (such as tickets to special event or commemorative artwork), especially if there is limited quantity.    Compel your supporters to come to the site to buy something they don't want to miss out on and hopefully they'll find three more things they can't live without.
  • Seed your online catalog with desirable items.  Avoid the strategy of placing items that "won't do well" in the gala auction in an online auction.  They won't do well in an online auction either and you'll be fostering the perception that the online auction is the dumping ground for items that didn't "make the cut".
  • Offer incentives (especially if an online auction is new to your community).  Coffee gift cards to the first 10 people to place a bid and offer a few nice prizes to:  the person who places the most bids, buys the most items, spends the most money etc.  It may seem extravagant, especially for small events, but it's an investment that usually pays off.    If you think $250 worth of prizes may prompt 20 more people to place bids, then it's well worth doing.  

5. Once underway, make sure your Online Auction isn't forgotten.  Plan a creative campaign to remind your supporters that an EVENT is in progress.  Plant Burma Shave-type signs in lawns near a school, create your own series of memes for the event and share one daily on social media, feature specific items and/or stories of fierce bidding.  And make sure you have enabled the outbid notifications in your settings.

6.  Remember, like all successful events, Online Auctions build over time.  The energy you invest this year will advance your starting line and threshold for future years.