Importing Data

Note:  If you are a returning user, you should be migrating data from your previous site(s). You can do this on your own by migrating data from your account management page

If you ALREADY have donor, guest or item information in a spreadsheet format, we will work with you to import it onto your site.  DO NOT create a spreadsheet if you do not already have one - it will be just as easy to enter your data directly into the software.

1.  Decide which data is worth importing:

A.  USERS (Donors and/or Potential Guests)

  • Donors/Potential Donors:  This is often your most valuable data and there is no downside to importing donors from an existing spreadsheet.
  • Potential Guests:  If you will be entering most of your ticket sales internally (from reservation forms etc), it makes sense to import your potential guests as you will be able to select their record when entering the ticket.  If most tickets will be purchased online, importing your potential guests will be less helpful and may result in duplicate user records.  

B.  ITEMS (Donors are included because each item must have a Donor)

  • Generally done when the software is being introduced late in the planning process and most items have been received and recorded elsewhere.   If you have received less than 50 donations,  entering them directly into the software may be easier (and will often yield better results).

C.  GUESTS with Tickets

  • This import is also generally done when the software is being introduced late in the planning process and tickets have already been sold.  This is the most difficult import because each ticket record requires data on the ticket details, guest and ticketbuyer.   If you do not need to record the ticket revenue in the software, it is relatively simple to import all guests with a $0 ticket (which doesn't require data on tickets, buyers, or payments)


2.  Prepare your data:

2.  Prepare your data:

1.  During an import,  the Column Headers on your spreadsheet dictate which field the data will be placed in (column headers = field names).   This is an automated process - so your column headers must match the field names precisely or the data will end up in the wrong place, or more likely, left out altogether.

2.  During an import, the data within Row 1 of your spreadsheet will be placed in Record 1 of the database.  So any data you want displayed in a single record (donor, item, guest) must be contained on a single row of your spreadsheet.

3. Clean data = clean import.  Make sure all data within each column is consistent (ie all phone numbers, or first name only).  It is always easier to edit data in a spreadsheet than to edit individual records within a database.  Clean it up before importing!

4.  If you have data on people (donors, guests, potential guests) that does not fit into an existing field, you can create User Defined Fields by adding udf_ to the data column header eg:  udf_maiden name = maiden name.  

5.  Plan on importing your existing data promptly, then create new records by entering data directly into the software.   There are few upsides and many downsides to waiting to import until the week prior to your event or planning to import additional spreadsheets later.

For specific instructions:

Preparing a Spreadsheet to Import Donors and Potential Guests

Preparing a Spreadsheet to Import Items and their Donors

Preparing a Spreadsheet to Import Guests with Tickets

3.  Contact Support to request an import and provide your data:

  • Email your request (and attached spreadsheet(s) to [email protected] or [email protected].  
  • We will notify you when your import is complete and your data is visible (generally takes 48-72 hours)
  • Once data has been submitted for import, make sure all team members are entering new data directly into the software.  DO NOT continue to use  spreadsheets for data collection assuming you can import multiple times.  Multiple imports are fraught with problems and highly discouraged.