Previewing Your Printed Materials

It's a good idea to regularly preview your printed materials as you begin entering items so you an see how your data entry choices display in print.  For instance, it may seem like a good idea to create very specific Item Names (eg  $50 Target Gift Card) but you may not like the display on your bid sheet:  $50 Target Gift Card, Value:  $50, Thanks to:  Target.

You can preview the bid and description sheet for an individual item from the Item detail page, or preview any printed material from the Print Materials Menu.

Preview from item detail page:

Preview from item detail page:

Go to Catalog > Click on Item Name to view item detail page

Preview of Normal Bid and Description sheets:

Preview of Normal Bid and Description sheets:

1.  You can choose which data elements to include on your bid and description sheets at Admin > Site Settings > Printing > Bid Sheets.

2.  Note:  If an item is set up to transfer from the online auction to gala, the current online high bid will display, so be sure to print your actual bid sheets AFTER online bidding has closed on the item.

Preview from Print Materials menu:

Preview from Print Materials menu:

Go to Admin > Print Materials > Select desired print out

Select desired print out from menu choices to generate a single document displaying all pages with the data entered to date.  Each document loads and displays in seconds in preview mode.   Nothing will print until you send the document to a printer.