New Features

Credit Card Offset Fees (September 2015)

Optional Credit Card Offset Fee feature adds and collect sa surcharge on credit card payments to offset the processing costs.


Max and Extended Bidding for Online/Mobile Auctions  (May 2015)

The Max Bidding feature allows Online and Mobile bidders to specify the maximum amount they want to bid on an item and the software will record their bids automatically until they either win the item, or reach the limit specified for their Max Bid.

Max Bidding is primarily offered as a convenience to bidders:  it allows them to bid in "blocks" rather than monitoring the bid activity and placing new bids individually, as needed.    Max Bidding may generate additional bids in cases where individual bidders might otherwise be distracted and neglect to submit new bids, but Max Bidding does not necessarily maximize an item's sale price.

Extended bidding is designed to capture all potential bids by extending the closing time on items which are still being actively bid upon.  Extended bidding does not change how bids are placed, only the period of time bids are accepted is affected.

Max and Extended Bidding are optional and must be enabled on your site.  They can be used independently, or in conjunction with each other.


Detailed Catalog Layout Option (April 2015)

The Detail View displays longer Item names and allows users to scroll through all item details on the main page, without having to pull up the Item detail form.


Data Page Enhancements (April 2015)

All data pages (Donor, Catalog, Tickets, Orders, Users, Reports) now display records in pages (20 records per page) with the option to Show All.   Limiting the display to 20 records allows pages to load and users to navigate between tabs very quickly.

A Print button has been added to all data pages.   The Print button generates a preview of the page shown, use Show All to print all records.  Please note that the Print format is controlled by your browser and is not editable.  


Ability to Create an Internal Order  (January 2015)

Allows a new order to be created (and payments processed) to handle one-off transactions.